Brits continue to kick Irish self-determination down the road

Recently, Steve Baker, the Minister of State for Northern Ireland, expressed the view that any potential border poll should require a supermajority. This would potentially require 60% or more of the population of the six counties to vote in favour of unification in the event of such a poll. This view is not a new … Read more

A union should be for its members, by its members

University of Galway President Cíarán Ó hÓgartaigh signs a copy of the agreement held by University of Galway Students' Union President Sai Gujulla

Earlier this month, University of Galway and the University of Galway Students’ Union announced a formal partnership. According to the University, the aim of the agreement is for “staff and students to collaborate to deliver real and positive change in the areas of student-centred decision making and student participation and engagement.” A fine sentiment. However, … Read more

Pride is a Protest

As Socialist Republicans the CYM strives for queer liberation through national liberation. We fight for a 32-county socialist republic in which queer people are not excluded from jobs and housing, where our experiences aren’t turned into diagnoses, where our identities aren’t porn categories and where we get the healthcare we deserve.

Make Revolution Your 2020 Resolution – Hope in the New Roaring Twenties

Fritz Lang’s 1926 silent era sci-fi masterpiece, Metropolis, depicts downtrodden workers rising up against billionaire industrialists. It opens with; ‘The year is 2026, a Dickensian “best of times, worst of times,” total oppression and manipulation of the masses is wielded by the unquestionable power of the few.’